Thursday, April 30, 2009


  • BEGIN with an early rise.
  • MIX in a light two-mile walk.
  • ADD a healthy breakfast.
  • SPRINKLE in laughter, smiles and good cheer.
  • STIR well.
  • CONTINUE on medium.
  • Gradually MIX in hard work & a sense of accomplishment.
  • COOL DOWN frequently
  • ADD several servings of organic fruit, light protien, & carbohydrates.
  • STIR in brief medication.(optional)
  • SPRINKLE in freinds & family.
  • COOL again.
  • FLATTEN & let rest for eight hours.

I had come across this in a magazine & when I was reading it I really liked what it said so that is why I am sharing it with you all. We hope all our fam & freinds are doing we'll & enjoyin life like we are enjoyin our "Family Life N Hawaii"

Luv-xoxo The Jakimowicz Fam:)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Robert decided today to have some fun with the
paper towels as you can tell. I at first was mad at him but then I just
laughed & laughed & couldn't stop laughing at how funny he looked.

He had the paper towels draped over him & was giggling & smiling. So cute & adorable to hear & watch. Makes me feel so blessed as a mom to have moments like these that are priceless to the heart. And who would of thought paper towels could be so entertaining? Our "chunky Monkey" Robert of course:)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Our family took a trip to one of the beaches here in Hawaii on Saturday April 18th & had an awesome time. It was so nice to just have fun as a family. Lil' Danny cried when we tried to get him to go out further in the water (waist deep for him) with his boogy board but enjoyed
himself by staying close
to shore. Robert kept
thinking the sand was
edible & trying to eat
it but had lots
of fun in the water.
Danny & me
(Mindy) had a blast going snorkling at the beach. We saw some really cool fish
in the water. The sand got so hot
that it was
burning our feet
that day. Plus some
shoulders & backs
got a little to
much sun & now
the pain is killing
us (danny & mindy).
Teaches us to
"not forget" next
time to put
sunscreen on ourselfs.
We finished our
beach trip off by
going to Denny's
for dinner to make
the day complete.
Lil' Danny ate a bunch of scrambled eggs, lots of fries & 3 huge pancakes. (Talk about a hungry kid) We had a great time spending the day
together as a family & the beaches here in Hawaii are so beautiful. Makes living here so worth it.
Luv-xoxo The Jakimowicz Fam


The boys had a great time at the beach. Lil' Danny loved trying to use his boogyboard & Robert loved to splash, splash, splash the water.

Monday, April 20, 2009


The boys awake and comin down stairs to see if the Easter Bunny has come to visit them.


Lil' Danny got Some spy gear googles that have a light on them, a spy gear belt with 4 different gadgets on it & a clifford boxed set of 12 books to read. (he can read a good bunch of them all by himself) And he got a star wars lego ps2 game from his grandparents in Utah plus lots of colored eggs, eggs, & more eggs.


He got a new toy car that zooms off when you push the top of it, a cow lawn mower that makes moo sounds. (he's always pushin that toy everywhere) & the movie Dr. Seuss' Horton hears a who. Also a little peoples building blocks set from his grandparents in Utah, plus lots of candy, candy, candy!!!


Monday, April 13, 2009


Hello Fam & Friends,
We had a great time coloring Easter eggs on Saturday as the pic's will show you. Lil' Danny had the most fun coloring the eggs while Robert as you can tell by his pic' had the most fun eating the eggs. They just looked so delicious to him that he couldn't wait till the next day. Sad :( to say but we lost 2 eggs to the "Chunky Monkey's belly" (Robert) but we still had a blast. Mom you will be amazed at me because... Now don't faint or anything when I tell you ok... I remembered how to boil the water this time:) Shocking I know but !!HURRAY!! for me.
Luv-xoxo The Jakimowicz Fam


Lil' Danny just had to have Star Wars Easter eggs. He hogged all the Yoda stickers because he said he's like Yoda-(very strong & powerful) & gave his brother Robert all the Darth Vader ones because he said Robert is not nice sometimes like Darth Vader . Oh how funny my kids can be:)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Lil' Danny & the Easter Bunny

Here at our community center they had an Easter party for the kids. Lil' Danny got his picture tooken with the Easter Bunny. He was scared at first but then finally went up and got his pic tooken. It was raining & Robert was asleep takin a nap so I left him home with Big Danny but if I would of known they were takin pic's with the Easter Bunny then I would of brought him for sure. Lil' Danny looks so cute though:)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Hurray!! Our blog page is now decorated:)

Hello all-Fam & Freinds,

We hope that you will find reading our blog page more enjoyable now since we figured out how to decorate it & add music and all. Took us a while to figure it out but HURRAY WE DID IT!! The Jakimowicz family is good. Been a while since our last blog got posted & we apologize for that. We have been enjoying some much needed family time together since Big Danny's been home. It was nice that Lil' Danny had his 2 weeks spring break time around when Big Danny was taking his block leave time. They have had so much fun spending time together doing stuff. Lil' Danny returns to school on this Monday the 6th & I Mindy am so happy for that. Lil' Danny wishes it was spring break all the time. Of course which kid wouldn't right? Robert is doing good as well. Eatin like crazy & cranky some days really bad. Between teething & the already terrible 2's stage he can make us want to pull out all our hair some days but we love him because he sure does have a way to make us laugh & giggle:) So you are not here reading a huge blog that we wrote we are gonna write shorter ones telling you all about the good stuff happenig over here still & of course keep you updated on new & exciting news. Thanx for reading & we hope you find our new blog page more enjoyable as we are enjoying our wonderful "Family Life N Hawaii".
Luv-xoxo The Jakimowicz Fam